Craps House Edge : The House Edge in Craps Explained

The house edge in craps depends almost solely upon what type of bet the player chooses to make. This rule pertains to both online and in-house casinos, and it requires some thought to understand.

Examples of the House Edge in Craps

For the best bet odds-wise, and the best chance to beat the house edge, players often look to the Pass Line plus 100x odds that constitutes only a 0.02% edge for the casino. Pass and Come bets give up 1.41% to the house--almost identical to Don't Pass, Don't Come bets. Place bets are determined by the number spread and range anywhere from a 1.52% house edge to a huge house edge of 6.67%. Any Craps is the worst bet for any player at all, with the casino's edge at 11.11%.

How and When to Apply Bets to Beat House Edge in Craps

The house edge can be thought of as a semi-complicated calculation of the percentage of the odds that the house will win a profit from your bet. When attempting to apply craps strategy to beat this edge, it is important to remember that there really is no strategy. Craps is a game of luck, and it is up to the player to understand the odds, the rules of the game, and how to place bets accordingly. Once these few things are mastered, a player may not win enough to retire, but they will not lose enough to file bankruptcy either.

Beating the house edge in craps may seem like a myth or a fairy tale. In all reality, it is. There is no secret strategy to make the dice fall the way the player bets but the player can make smart bets, taking into consideration the house edge and the amount of the bet.