Double Exposure Blackjack Odds, Tips and Strategy

Double Exposure blackjack at Micrograming online casinos gives a player a leg up on the dealer because in this game, both of the dealer's pocket cards are dealt face up or exposed. To make the game a bit more even and to give the dealer a fighting chance, there are a few other changes to the game. With a few double exposure tips, the seasoned blackjack player can turn even these changes to his or her advantage.

Details of the Game

In addition to the dealer's pocket cards being dealt face up, the double exposure blackjack game also gives all ties to the dealer and makes the dealer hit on soft 17s. The player is not permitted to take insurance, either. This version of the game also pays only even money, but since the player is already at a significant advantage with the exposed dealer's cards, this should not greatly impact the game. From here, players play normally.

Strategy Card

There are a few strategies that can help the player out even more. First, players should use the strategy card that Microgaming provides; the card comes with a number of double exposure tips and can be accessed in the Expert Mode on the Microgaming site. In order to find the best possible move for each possible combination of cards, players need only consult the strategy card and follow the instructions included.

Microgaming's Double Exposure Blackjack provides players with a great opportunity to win big while having fun doing it, playing at their favorite Canadian online casino. If players aren't interested in the double exposure tips provided in the convenient strategy card, they can attempt to go it alone, learning the best moves for the game and maybe winning some money.